Staying Committed to Containing COVID-19

We are one of only three states in the country that has flattened our curve while reopening our economy.

We have a lot to celebrate as our counties continue to move from the Yellow Phase to the Green Phase in our reopening plan. Our collective efforts to contain COVID-19 is paying off, but our work is far from over.

When we move to the Green Phase, remember that it isn’t a return to how things were before. We must stay alert to keep the virus from resurging.

Under every phase, we must:
• Wear masks in public
• Keep our physical distance of six feet or more
• Wash our hands frequently for at least 20 seconds
• Clean and disinfect surfaces often
• Limit group gatherings and crowds

Masks Are Mandatory
Wearing a mask is an important part of keeping COVID-19 from spreading. Everyone must wear a mask. That includes workers and customers. Remember, my mask protects you and your mask protects m
