Borough of West Conshohocken Boards and Committees
Descriptions and Responsibilities
Serving on West Conshohocken Borough’s Volunteer Boards and Committees can provide residents with an excellent opportunity to participate in the running of their local government. Serving on a board provides an invaluable occasion for citizens to help guide the future of their Borough. The following information should provide a brief insight in the responsibilities and duties of each Board and Committee.
If you do develop an interest in serving on a Board or Committee, it is recommended that you attend one or more of said groups meetings and then submit a letter of intent along with a brief resume to the Borough Manager.
Established by the West Conshohocken Borough Code Chapter 20 and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
Members: 5, Amended by Ordinance # 08- 03, February 12, 2008
Term of Office: 4 Years
Appointment Process: Applicants must be legal residents of the Borough of West Conshohocken and are appointed by the Borough Council. Cannot be Borough employees per Section 20-2 of the West Conshohocken Code.
Meeting Time: 7:00 pm on the First Thursday of each month. Meetings take place at Borough Hall located at 112 Ford Street.
The Planning Commission provides a perfect opportunity for the residents of the Borough of West Conshohocken to guide the development of the community. The Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the Borough Council. The members of the Planning Commission are responsible for the review of land developments applications and do the Comprehensive Plan.
Established by the West Conshohocken Borough Code, Chapter 113.
Members: 3
Term of Office: 3 Years for Full Member, 1 Year Term for Alternate
Appointment Process: Applicants must be legal residents of the Borough of West Conshohocken and are appointed by the Borough Council.
Meeting Time: 7:00 pm on the second Thursday of each month. Meetings take place at Borough Hall located at 112 Ford Street.
The Zoning Hearing Board conducts hearings and makes decisions on appeals from the Zoning Officer. The Zoning Hearing Board is also responsible for addressing challenges to the validity of the Borough’s Zoning Ordinances.
Established by the West Conshohocken Borough Code Chapter 8, Membership appointed by Ordinance No 09-06 enacted 7/28/2009.
Members: 3
Terms of Office: 6 Years, Staggered terms
Appointment Process: Applicants must be legal residents of the Borough of West Conshohocken and are appointed by the Borough Council.
Meeting Time: At the discretion of the Commission.
The Civil Service Commission is tasked with assuring State regulations are followed for the testing, hiring, and firing of Borough police officers.
Established by the Pennsylvania Borough Code.
Members: Borough Council and One Registered Elector of the Borough appointed by Council.
Term of the One Registered Elector: 1 Year. Must be appointed at the Council’s first meeting each calendar year.
No term limit. Serves at the pleasure of Council. Established by Borough Council at the June 8, 2004 meeting.