On behalf of the West Conshohocken Foundation’s (WCF) Board of Directors, thank you for your interest in our Community Grant Program. The West Conshohocken Foundation’s purpose is to provide grants toward relief of financial hardship. Our intention, with the support of the West Conshohocken Borough and Borough Council, is to provide an application cycle each year (or several as funds permit) to help residents with emergency funds to address financial need that can impact well-being. The WCF Community Aid Grant was founded to make a positive, sustainable impact on our community of West Conshohocken. Applications will be accepted until Monday, May 2nd, 2022
Apply online https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KGBKQLV or paper applications are available in Borough Hall
Before completing this application, please review the following:
• The following questions and written information are to be completed by applicants. We recommend reading the full application before preparing responses.
• Enter responses in the text box below each question. The text box will expand as you type. The final question asks for more information. Please tell us about your individual situation, what factors have led to this hardship, and how the grant would help. Please be thorough with your responses. Applicants must provide documentation for any past due bills or supporting info.
• Save your application for your records. Application responses can be submitted through the online link or by email to Westconshofoundation@gmail.com.
In order to be eligible, applicants must be a resident of West Conshohocken Borough and be able to provide proof of residency with documentation. Grant preference will be given to residents that have lived within the Borough longer than one year.
Additional Information
It is intended that the applications that best meet the grant criteria will be given preference in funding. However, the Foundation will judge the merits of each application and the amount of funding, if any, based on not only the selection criteria, but also available funding, current Foundation objectives, past experience and history, and other pertinent information. The Foundation reserves the right to be the sole decision-maker regarding funding of grants.